AZARIE x 24 is your wardrobe stylist, personal shopper and unsex high fashion street wear brand. The company first came about in 2013. The original name was FA$HMOB, later on changed to AZARIE x 24.
The background of AZARIE x 24 comes from the owner and operator Azarie. AZARIE is Hebrew, meaning “ Gift of God”. So it was fitting to name the brand Azarie x 24 as well. As it represents the elements of overcoming anything your told that your not capable of doing 24 was incorporated for the love of basketball and favoring NBA star Kobe Bryant as well as the birth date of AZARIE which is the 24th of June as a child she played with the number "24" Which then became her trade mark for the brand
Mission Statement
The mission statement for AZARIE X 24 is to inspire every designer to be the loudest in the room without talking. "when stepping in a room your presence is felt without a word uttering from your mouth"
The INNOVATOR, Owner & Operator
Azarie believes in the expression of ones self , as she continue to express herself through fashion. Fashion is her voice when wearing any brand. There is a voice that comes from the brand or your look without you speaking.
Azarie has over 5 years of experience working in the fashion industry. Some of her experience comes from doing fashion shows for Chris Smith , and styling celebrities like Grammy nominee Travis Green. Not to mention, several NFL player like Amari Rodgers, Jabril Peppers, just to name a few. She even worked with designers like Romeo Hunte, Queen E collections and more.
"Fashion Can Not Be Bought, Style One Must Possess"
Edna W. Chase